Peperomia is categorized under plants family piperaceae, native to tropical americas, it is also known as radiator plant. Peperomias usually have thick, stout stems and fleshy leaves like succulents, plants also preserve water and are drought tolerant. Presented plant is one of the perfect houseplant for indoors and beginners, as it is hardy, needs less frequent watering and it does well in shaded areas, plant prefers low light indoor conditions and do well in human livable temperature range which is typically found at homes at sub-tropical areas. It requires less frequent watering and fertilizing yet present amazing ambience by its elegant foliage.
Plant Name : Peperomia
Plant size : 15-30 cm
Pot type : Ceramic, 10 cm
Potting medium : Potting mix
Plant Type : Air Purifier
₹ 349