Best Indoor Vertical Garden Plants
Topic best indoor vertical garden plants need minimum as 100-200 popular indoor plants which can be used for indoor vertical gardens. We’ll be updating the article with the time, below list has our hand picked plants which we commonly use for indoor vertical gardens. Term indoor plants refers to the plants which do best without direct sun light which means in shade. Shade does not mean darkness, in reference to plants it is about bright light which can be artificial with better RGB combination too. While indoors, plants do not only need bright light but good ventilation is equally important to keep them happy.
NASA Air-purifier Green Wall Plants
Lets have a look to the green wall plants, which are proven air purifier by NASA research:

1. English Ivy
English Ivy is one of the most popular vine plants in europe, it is a species of flowering plant in the family araliaceae, native to most of europe and western asia. English Ivy was found to be one of the most effective plants which removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene from the air.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 5 to 30 degree celsius
Common names – Common ivy, english ivy, european ivy, ivy
Botanical name – Hedera helix

Peace lily is one of the popular indoor plants categorized under araceae plants family. It was found to be one of the most effective plants which removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, ammonia, xylene, toluene and several other known pollutants from the air.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 16 to 32 degree celsius
Common names – Spath, closet plants
Botanical name – Spathiphyllum

3. Snake Plant
Sansevieria is a genus of flowering plants in the family asparagaceae, native to tropical asia, west africa, from nigeria east to the congo. Snake plant is one of the hardiest and a perfect indoor plant which does not require bright or sun light as well as frequent watering. It was found to be one of the most effective air purifier plants which removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene from the air.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 5 to 45 degree celsius
Common names – Mother in laws tongue, snake plant
Botanical name – Sansevieria laurentii

4. Chinese Evergreen
Aglaonema is popular indoor plant comes from arum plants family araceae which is native to tropical and subtropical regions of South Asia. It has more than 100 popular varieties which are every appealing and easy to care. It is found to be effective in cleaning benzene and formaldehyde.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Less frequent, water it thoroughly when top one inch is dried
Temperature – 15 to 30 degree celsius
Common names – Chinese evergreen
Botanical name – Aglaonema Modestum

5. Heartleaf Philodendron
Heartleaf Philodendron is species under genus philodendron categorized in the plants family araceae, famous for listing outstanding low light houseplants. It is found to be effective in cleaning formaldehyde.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artifical light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 15 to 30 degree celsius
Common names – Philodendron heart leaf, Oxycardium, Sweetheart
Botanical name – Philodendron cordatum

6. Boston Fern
Boston fern is a species of genus nephrolepis in the family nephrolepidaceae, native to humid forests and swamps. It is effective in removing formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and airborne germs, molds, bacterias from the indoor air.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Frequent
Temperature – 15 to 35 degree celsius
Common names – Boston swordfern, wild Boston fern, tuber ladder fern, fishbone fern
Botanical name – Nephrolepis exaltata

7. Selloum Philodendron
Selloum Philodendron is species under genus philodendron categorized in the plants family araceae, famous for listing outstanding low light houseplants. It is found to be effective in cleaning formaldehyde.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 15 to 30 degree celsius
Common names – Philodendron selloum, lacy tree philodendron, selloum
Botanical name – Philodendron bipinnatifidum

8. Cornstalk Dracaena
Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ is another popular and common houseplants, it is a species from dracaena genus counted under asparagaceae plants family. The plant is hardy to adverse weather conditions and suits to grow indoors. It is effective in cleaning benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 5 to 45 degree celsius
Common names – Dracaena mahatma
Botanical name – Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’

9. Spider Plant
Chlorophytum comosum falls in asparagaceae plants family, native to southern africa. It is easy care, elegant, fast growing and popular houseplant, a report published by the university’s Cooperative Extension Service cited spider plant as one of the top varieties for removing VOCs. Spider plant found to clean formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Less frequent, water it thoroughly when top one inch is dried
Temperature – 15 to 30 degree celsius
Common names – Spider plant
Botanical name – Chlorophytum comosum

10. Barberton Daisy
Gerbera is one of the most popular flowering plants with diverse colored shining flowers, it is a genus of plants in the flowering plants family asteraceae (daisy family). The plant is hardy to adverse weather conditions and suits to grow in bright light. It is effective in cleaning benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, bright light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 15 to 25 degree celsius
Common names – Gerbera, gerbera daisy, transvaal daisy, barbertonse madeliefie
Botanical name – Gerbera jamesonii

11. Money Plant
Money plant is one of the most common house plants, it is a species of the plant family araceae , native to French Polynesia. Money plant is one of the hardiest plants which do well in most of the indoor environmental conditions. It is effective in cleaning benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene from the air.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 15 to 45 degree celsius
Common names – Golden pothos, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, money plant, silver vine, islands ivy, devils ivy
Botanical name – Epipremnum aureum

12. Flamingo Lily
Anthurium is popular gift plant, it is an species in the plants family araceae, native to Colombia and Ecuador. Anthuriums have heart shape shiny green leaves and beautiful flowers which last for several months after bloom. It is effective in cleaning formaldehyde, amonia, xylene and toluene from the air.
Below are its grow habits and overview as a houseplant:
Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 12 to 30 degree celsius
Common names – Flamingo lily
Botanical name – Anthurium andraeanum
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