Landscaping and Vastu – landscape must compliment to vastu guidelines
09 Jan

Landscaping and Vastu – landscape should compliment to vastu

harmonize people, plants, planets and constellations!

Vastu Shastra presents comprehensive guidelines to balance the whole eco-system, it is pre-historic knowledge bank of guidelines to harmonize the living space, nature and environment, sanskrit word vastu translates to dwelling (Niwas). Vastu shastra is a part of vedic system, it was taught to the students as vastu-vidya (knowledge of dwelling) in ancient India. Vastu is science of architecture that helps in developing living space proficiently to get bestowed by the nature, its elements and energy fields.

People, plants, planets and constellations are made of the same elements (fire, earth, air, water and sky) and energies (hot/dry, hot/moist, cold/dry, cold/moist). Plants protect the environment and affect human life by subsiding the ill effects, they provide environmental protection as well, health and happiness. Giving attention to the vastu guidelines during the landscape planning and execution may add to the bringing fortune, lets have a look to the guidelines on what can be planned in which direction as well as what could be impediments to the good luck if ignored:



Garden should be placed in the North direction.

What to place:

Basil (Tulsi) should be planted in the North direction.
Smaller shrubs and plants should be planted in the North direction.
Flower plants in the North direction considered auspicious.
Swing can be installed in North of the house.
Water fountains can be installed in North of house attracts wealth.
Open sitting area in North of house considered lucky place.

What not to place:

Large tree should be avoided to plant in the North direction.
Sculptures and rock gardens should be avoided to plant in the North direction.
Place should be clean, no cluttering, drying plants or junks items.
North direction of the house should not host heavy items.



Garden with small plants should be avoided in the South direction.

What to place:

Large trees should be planted in South of the house.
Rock garden or other solid work should be in South of the house.
There should be solid items placed in the South direction.
All space should be occupied in the South direction.

What not to place:

Swimming pool should not be in South of the house.
Water bodies should not be in South of the house.
Swing should not be in South direction of the house.
Water fountains should not be in the South of house.
Light weight items should not be in the South of house.
Pets should not be in the South of house.
Place should be clean free from clutters, drying plants or junks items.



Garden can be placed in the East direction.

What to place:

Basil (Tulsi) can be planted in the East direction.
Smaller shrubs and plants should be planted in the East direction.
Fruit bearing small plants in East direction are considered good.
Swing can be installed in East of the house.
Water fountains can be installed in East of the house.
Open sitting area in East of house considered good place.

What not to place:

Large tree should not be planted in the East direction.
Sculptures and rock gardens should not be in the East direction.
Place should be clean, no cluttering, drying plants or junks items.
East direction of house should not host heavy items.



Garden with small plants can be avoided in the West direction.

What to place:

Large trees can be planted in West of the house.
Rock garden or other solid work can be in West of the house.
There can be solid items placed in the West direction.

What not to place:

Swimming pool should not be in West of the house.
Water bodies should not be in West of the house.
Swing should not be in West direction of the house.
Water fountains should not be in the West of house.
Pets should not be in the West of house.
Place should be clean free from clutters, drying plants or junks items.



Garden should be placed in the North-East direction.

What to place:

Basil (Tulsi) planted in North-East considered very auspicious.
Smaller shrubs and plants should be planted in North direction.
Flower plants in North-East direction considered good.
Swing installed in North-East of the house considered lucky.
Water fountains can be installed in North-East of house attracts wealth.

What not to place:

Large tree should be avoided to plant in the North-East direction.
Sculptures and rock gardens should be avoided to plant in the North-East direction.
Place should be clean, no cluttering, drying plants or junks items.
North-East direction of the house should not host heavy items.



What to place:

North-West is the best to host Kids play area.
North-West is the best to host water fountains.
North-West is the best to host Pets and birds.
North-West is the best to host decoraive plants, seedlings etc.

What not to place:

Rock gardens, heavy items should not be in the North-West of house.
Place should be clean free from clutters, drying plants or junks items.



What to place:

Rose plants and shrubs plants can be planted.
Plants which need high temperature can be planted.

What not to place:

Swimming pool should not be in South-East of the house.
Water bodies should not be in South-East of the house.
Swing should not be in South-East direction of the house.
Water fountains should not be in the South-East of house.
Place should be clean free from clutters, drying plants or junks items.



What to place:

South-West is the best to host large trees.
South-West is the best to host rock gardens, suculptures.
South-West is the best to host flowers like rose, jasmie, marigold etc.

What not to place:

Swimming pool should not be in South-East of the house.
Water bodies should not be in South-West of the house.
Swing should not be in South-West direction of the house.
Water fountains should not be in the South-West of house.
Place should be clean free from clutters, drying plants or junks items.



What to place:

Should be open and clean.

What not to place:

Swimming pool should not be in Center of the house.
Water bodies should not be in Center of the house.
Swing should not be in Center direction of the house.
Water fountains should not be in the Center of house.
Rock gardens should not be in the Center of house.
Sculptures should not be in the Center of house.
Place should be clean free from clutters, drying plants or junks items.

Web References : Wiki, Toptropicals and Vastushastraguru

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