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27 Jan

Lilies are the most symbolized flowers of the world, from the ancient times these are used as symbol of hope, faith, birth, purity, promise, passion, chastity, innocence, fertility, motherhood etc. Lily is often considered a symbol of trinity, representating three virtues: Charity, Hope and Faith. Greek lore associates lily meaning with birth and it is a symbol for motherhood because the flower was said to be created from the breast milk of Hera, the lily also hold masculine qualities as the Greeks held the lily as a symbol of high eroticism and sexuality. Christians hold the lily as a symbol of chastity, innocence, purity and piety. Its quite less on the symbolism of Lilies, lets have a look to a brief about lily and how to grow its bulbs:

Zephyranthes Lily is one of the easiest care, popular and elegant flowering plant for the summer season. Zephyranthes is also known with several common names like, fairy lily, rain flower, zephyr lily, magic lily, atamasco lily and rain lily etc. Zephyranthes is widely cultivated as ornamental flowering plant, it has more than 70 species categorized under Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis) plant family.

Lilies are propagated by bulbs, although the lilies grown from seeds are more disease resistant, the only disadvantage with growing lilies from seeds is that the lily plants take a longer time to bloom, and maybe, in some cases, even take five to six years.

Growing Zephyranthes Lily Bulbs

Early spring is the best time to plant zephyranthes lily bulbs, prepare soil, coco-peat or potty mix in a well drained 6″ pot, choose a place that receives direct sun in the morning and partial shade during hot afternoon hours.

Prepare garden mix with rich compost and moist the potting medium, plant the bulb one fourth to half of an inches (1/4-1/2 inch) deep with the pointed end facing up. Space the corms 2 to 3 inches apart if you are planting many bulbs in a large container or soil.

Water the lilies generously but make sure water does not log in the pot, zephyranthes lily like well-drained, light potting medium, if the soil is kept fairly moist, the bulbs should sprout in a couple of weeks.

It takes around 90 days from the time zephyranthes are planted to root, grow and bloom.

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