Bonsai Tree Plants Care
06 Jan


Bonsai, literally translating to “planted in a container”, is an art from which has been inspired from ancient horticulture practices carried by the Chinese. Under the development of the Japanese, Zen, Buddhism, the practice has redeveloped further, although it has been around since nearly a thousand years. The goal of getting a Bonsai tree is creating a realistic and lively miniature version of nature in the form of a plant.

Bonsai trees, as we see them today, are excellent pieces of nature to be kept in one’s home or workplace. Tending to bonsai trees often start off as a hobby. However, given the captivating charm of these trees, it becomes a passion for several in no time. Apart from being an attractive piece of decoration for the shelf, these trees have great health benefits. Apart from acting as a great hobby, tending to these plants can also help you to develop patience and inner peace. Working with nature and its miracles always has a positive effect on the mind. When kept indoors, the bonsai trees contribute to purify the air in the room, maintaining a clean and aromatic ambience within the house.

Bonsai trees have become popular across the world today. While some of it merely look at it as a piece of decoration for their house, others follow it like a passion for their lives. The art of growing Bonsai trees has become fairly popular today, with events and competitions being held on many levels for the owners to exhibit the beauty of their grown Bonsai trees. Be it for competitions or for a casual hobby, Bonsai trees are a great asset for sure. Buying one will definitely be the best decision you will take for yourself.


The idea of Bonsai trees initially originated in China, well over a thousand years ago. Initially, the plant was a part of the many horticultural practices. Over the time, the charm of the Bonsai has seen it follow the path from the monasteries to the homes of royals and commoners alike. Today, the Bonsai trees are widely common across the globe.

For growing of Bonsai plants, pruning and wiring of branches, pinching of buds, and many other such techniques are employed along with controlled use of fertilizers. Bonsai plants are not genetically dwarfed. They are common kept under four feet in height, or roughly a meter. Bonsai can be created by any plant species that grows branches and consists of a wooden stem, under proper maintenance and care.

As a starter material, you can take any hedges, bushes, or trees around your park to begin with. However, these must me collected carefully, during the appropriate season of growth. From there on, many native species can be grown outdoors. Bonsai trees come in a variety of species, based on being suitable for growing them indoors or outdoors.

Once you buy a Bonsai tree, proper care has to be taken to ensure its growth and health. These trees require regular maintenance and care, although there are some species that could be better off themselves with little attention for the owner. Watering, trimming, and other care has to be taken to maintain the health and shape of the Bonsai tree. Bonsai gardens, an exquisite collection of Bonsai trees, is a great way to adorn your house while showing off your beautiful collections to your neighbours. One way or the other, the Bonsai trees are good for you for sure.

Watering – The bonsai tree must be watered properly, with the balanced amount of water. Watering must be done around once a week, however this can be varied according to the season and the plant species. The tree must be watered by placing the container of the tree in a bowl containing water. Once the bubbling stops, the container must be taken out of the water.

Soil – The soil is the breeding ground for the Bonsai from where it extracts all its nutrients. Different types of Bonsai need different types of soil. Therefore, you will have to do your share of research before you go ahead and buy the soil for your Bonsai Tree.

Container – The pot or container of the Bonsai tree must be big enough to give it space for growing. As a rule of thumb, the width of the container must be equal to a third of the height of the plant, while it’s depth must be roughly equal to the plant’s height. Bonsai trees are known to grown extensively. Therefore, it might need changing of the container annually, if it grows steady.

Climate – Not all Bonsai species could be ideal for the climate of the place where you are living. Conduct a research for the suitability of the Bonsai plant species according to your area of residence, before buying the plant.

Trimming – To keep the growth and shape of your Bonsai tree in check, you must trim it on a regular basis. Regular trimming ensures proper growth distribution of the tree. It makes sure you get the Bonsai tree that you want for yourself.


Buying a bonsai tree could be confusing, more so if you are a beginner with no prior experience. You can be sure to have a wonderful experience once you get your tree. However, choosing the ideal Bonsai tree according to your requirements can be tough.

Start out with a tree species that is easy to care for. Make sure you do not buy a species that is exquisite and hard to care for, right-away. Beginners are recommended to being with easy-to-care for Bonsai species.

While buying a Bonsai tree, be sure to ask the name of the species and write it down for future reference. Knowing the name of the species is extremely important for tending to the plant in the future.

Decide the species on the basis of the location you intend to put it at. Indoor and outdoor species are different in the case of Bonsai trees. Indoor plants are not likely to survive outside and vice-versa. Therefore, be sure to check the compatibility of the Bonsai species with its intended location.

While buying the tree. Be sure to check the container or pot for any holes or damages. The pot is the breeding ground for the Bonsai tree, and it must be ideally suitable for the Bonsai plant you buy.


Based on your location and requirements, you could choose from a number of Bonsai species.

Outdoor Bonsai

Ficus Religiousa
Ficus Virens
Juniper Bonsai
Japanese Maple
Pine Tree Bonsai

Indoor Bonsai

Jade Plant Bonsai
Ficus Ginseng Bonsai
Carmona Bonsai
Azalea Bonsai
Bamboo Bonsai

Finding the ideal place for buying Bonsai trees can be difficult. We at make the work easier for you and provide the best Bonsai plants and trees in the India. Our experts carefully grow the plants until they are ready to be taken to a caring home. We offer a wide array of Bonsai trees species to make sure that our clients have a variety to choose from. Buying your favorite Bonsai tree from will surely get you the best green buddy you could ask for!

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