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01 Jan

8 reasons for why you must start gardening

Every holy scripture and origin hypothesis unanimously accept that plants came in existence first and paved the way to the origin of human beings. We must admit the fact and resolute to retie the bond with life gift-er nature.

Plants and trees play crucial part in our lives, but we rarely give them recognition they deserve. Just close your eyes and imagine how our planet will be without them? Those beautiful creatures are not only important because they produce oxygen, lumber or paper, but there are several other reasons in the list. Trees and Plants play a very vital role in the carbon cycle and balancing the eco system, because of ever increasing population of the world, the situation which seems impossible may sadly come true where it will be tough to survive for oxygenates. Plants have been on the earth longer than us, there are many health and other benefits associated with the plants. Having plants in your surroundings can give several long term benefits, some of which are enumerated below:

1. Providing Stress Relief

Gardening plays a major role in reducing the levels of the stress hormone called cortisol. The activity of planting is very tranquil and soothing to the mind and soul. It is great to see the plants grow, people who spend their time gardening few minutes in a day feel that they are in a better mood.

2. Strengthens Immune System

Though the people do not wish to get their hands dirty with soil, as it has so many germs, but exposure to the microorganisms can help to strengthen the immune system of the body, this can be extremely beneficial for the young kids.

3. Helps to save the bees

As the bees are excellent pollinators they are helpful for the environment. Many farmers depend on the bees to get good crops. When you plant plants in your backyard, you help these insects to survive. Many of the common garden vegetables attract the bees and help to maintain their population.

4. Teaching your kids about healthy living

There can be no better way to introduce your children to the healthy habits than to teach them gardening. Children feel it very amazing to watch the seeds sprout and become plants. The kids are more likely to eat the vegetables and fruits which they grow by themselves.

5. Helps to lower your grocery bill

Growing some of the common vegetables in your backyard can help you save money. You just need a small space to grow some of the common vegetables and save on the grocery bill. Eating home grown vegetables and fruits can make you healthier.

6. Mental Health

Gardening is also a great way to help your mental health become better. According to several studies it has been proven that people who garden have lower risks of mental disorders as compared to the non-gardeners. You will be amazed to know that just walking on the garden can have many therapeutic benefits.

7. Physical wellness

Unless you are growing just a few pots, gardening can be a great physical activity. If you have a big garden you may need more physical exertion for gardening. Like if you need to do shovel or mow then you may need more physical activity.

8. Social Interaction

Gardening also helps you to connect with the people in your neighborhood. When you spend time in your backyard planting trees and plants you get more time to interact with your neighbors.

There are many reasons why doing gardening is a great hobby. It has health benefits as well as environmental advantages too. So, next time you are willing to take up a new activity to pass your time, do consider gardening for once. You will be amazed to see the changes you will feel in your life, at the end no wonder if you find a key to be ever young like Allan Armitage:

“Gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old,
because too many hopes and dreams are yet to be realized.”

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