Planning Kitchen Garden – Kitchen Garden Design Considerations
30 Sep

Planning Kitchen Garden – Kitchen Garden Design Considerations

One of the amazing things to get done!

Kitchen garden is an excellent trend to which a lot of people have started to catch up. The idea is simply exciting and promises a healthy and nutritious diet for you as well as your family. Growing your own veggies at premises is an assurance about better quality of nutrition without any doubt. The practice of Kitchen Gardening is very important due to several reasons:

Kitchen Plantation is extremely beneficial in today’s trend when the quality of fruits and vegetables are severely compromised for the commercial incentive of quicker and larger growth of the crop.

It is a great utilization of idle space sitting out in lawn or near the house, while offering a great benefit of home-grown and dependable vegetables.

It ensures that the vegetables you are consuming are free of any chemical fertilizers or additives and 100% nutritious.

Kitchen Gardening helps to save a significant amount of money that would have been otherwise spent on vegetables that are grown in backyard.

The vegetables and fruits which are grown in kitchen garden can be taken out any time after they are ripe, saving the long trip to the grocery store.

Kitchen Gardening has been known to act as an excellent stress reliever, so one could expect a great improvement in your overall health.

Planning Kitchen Garden

Here are the key points which have to be taken care of while planning kitchen garden:

One must decide a place that is ideal for the vegetables in terms of the sun exposure, place must receive ample amount of direct sun light when its planned outdoors. It must be planned to use right type of RGB combination grow lights when its planned indoors.

Kitchen plantations require excellent quality of fertilizers that are rich in nutrients, soil poor in texture or clogging in nature will not yield well, better to learn about different type of potting mixtures available and plants need, mono type potting mix does not suits to all type of plants. As each of them has specific requirements at specific phase of their growth.

The fruits and vegetables planted must be chosen according to the region and season of the year. Selecting a plant and planting it at the right time is extremely important for its flourishing. As well as its important to source right type of seeds or saplings for better results.

Watering is an extremely important part that has to be taken care, along with necessary crop-rotation to avoid nutrition-drainage of the soil. Over watering or less watering both are equally harmful, wrong practice often weakens the plant growth in results yields get compromised.

Additionally, plan a home decomposing system for better recycling of kitchen wastes, it can prove economical and best solution for fertilization.

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